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We want to make Grozone accessible for everyone regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances. That's why we don't charge for the garden's open sessions or the activities we run. We also provide free refreshments, home grown vegetables, waterproofs and work boots for those who need them But it all comes with a cost - providing the equipment, clothing, the seeds we use every year. There's also the cost of paying for our staff to organise, support, teach, listen, guide and run activities with the volunteers. 


Currently Grozone receives no core funding to support the amazing work we're doing for both our volunteers and the environment.​ Funding in the past has helped us with absolutely everything at Grozone! Everything from purchasing the seeds for our food growing and tea bags to keep our volunteers in brews to the substantial materials to build our wheelchair ramp to our compost toilet. 


It allows us to be open three times a week, with a member of staff to plan, assist, lead, support and guide the volunteers and for the volunteer sessions free to everyone to attend. 


We are currently running a Spacehive Crowd Funding Campaign to make the most of amazing match funding from the Council - its a really powerful time to donate so if you can spare even a couple of ££s it will be tripled by the council and will allow us to have a super productive growing season and share our gorgeous fresh produce with anyone that needs it! 

Donate Here!

Any help you could give us would be very gratefully received, and is guaranteed to be spent on improving our site and volunteer experience. 


We take our donations via PayPal to ensure your donation is entirely secure.

If you're looking for other methods of helping support Grozone, see our Volunteering page, or look below for other forms of donation!

Are you a company/business looking to support us? You can donate using the link above, or lets talk! We're always happy and open to consider partnerships - feel free to contact us here.

If you'd like to make a donation towards the running of the garden then there's loads of ways to do it! You can:


Donate at the link above:

Just click on the donate button above and that will allow you to donate directly to our PayPal - all donations go towards the maintenance of the garden, including setting up our events, ensuring that entrance to our garden is always free, and equipment for the volunteers!


Making us your Charity of the Year:

We'd be honoured to be your Charity of the Year! By choosing us as your Charity of the Year you'll be helping to keep our garden free forever, and give people of all ages, gender, race, and physical ability, a safe and peaceful oasis to do good for the environment. Let us know, and we'll be more than happy to help in organising events such as bake sales, auctions, and raffles. 


Donate to our GoFundMe: 

- need to include details of how

Other Donation Methods

If you can't spare the money but still wish to support Grozone, you can now support us at no cost to yourself when you shop online using:


Just find your online retailer through this link and then shop as usual. As you spend, the retailer donates to us!

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